Thursday, March 26, 2009

Number Plates

The topic seems odd, but all those who have spent some part of their lives away from their home place, hopefully will know the significance of the topic.

Yes, we are talking about the number plates which are put on the vehicles, front and back. Each carries a distinct identity of its own. Each has relevance, significance. Some numbers are considered as auspicious and some are the sign of person’s status.

But we are not going to talk either of numerology here, nor the science of status. When I see a number plate, it gives me a sense of belongingness, a sense of nostalgia. I have been living out of my home for almost 8 years now, and I know how it feels when I see that number plate – MH31. Eighteen years at Nagpur, Four years at Manglore, two years at Indore and now into second year at Mumbai, the one site that gives me a sense of belongingness to me on the road is the number plates. There have been so many instances when I got so excited and people really couldn’t understand the reason when I cried out “MH-31”. And it’s amazing how I feel a sense of closeness to the person driving the vehicle. So many times, I feel an urge to stop that vehicle and have a chit chat with the person driving it. Its so funny how one can connect to such insignificant thing!

Another great thing about number plates is that when am living in a particular city, that number plate doesn’t excite me, but all the older ones do. MH-31, KA-19, MP-09, they all enthuse me now. Now my brain is trained to be excited at any of these number plates and the funny part is whenever am at Nagpur, I have to constantly remind my brain that I am bound to see MH-31.

The sad part is though MH-31 excites the most out of the three; my own vehicle doesn’t carry it. But it doesn’t carry MH-01 either, so every time I am on the Mumbai roads, I just pray that the cop isn’t looking out for the number plates like some weirdos like me ;)

1 comment:

  1. Some plate numbers are specials and personals. I want to know about different types of
    number plates of vehicles. I hope your blog will be very helpful for me in this purpose.
    personalised number plates
